NCDL is a light-weight package implemented on top of PyTorch that adds the ability to work on (regular) non-Cartesian grids. If you’re not familiar with the term ‘non-Cartesian grid’, a good introductory example is the Hexagonal grid. In 3-dimensions, further examples are the FCC, BCC, FCO etc… (and even more in higher dimensions).
The general philosophy for NCDL is to remain as generic and as PyTorch-onic as possible. That is, we try to adhere to the general structure and abstractions that PyTorch already uses. We perfer generality over performance. As time progresses, we hope to improve performance and get to speed parity with equivatent Cartesian approaches.
Getting Started
Refer to the in the root of the github repository. You will need a version of PyTorch >= 1.8.1; we prioritize support for the most recent versions of PyTorch. Once you have cloned the repository and installed the package, check out the example notebooks and refer back to this documentation when in doubt. If you run into any issues, please do not hesitate to open an issue on github.
Key Concepts
Lattice: A Lattice is a discrete point structure that forms a group. Think of it like this, imagine an image with square pixels. The “lattice” is the underlying point structure of the center of those pixels. Lattices in NCDL are factory like objects, they describe the lattice geometry, but do not hold data. They construct LatticeTensors, which hold data (and keep track of boundary information).
Further Information:
LatticeTensor: Lattice tensors are the de-facto standard datastructure in NCDL. All operations in NCDL operate on lattice tensor.
Further Information:
Stencil: Stencils simply record the geometry of a filter to be used with convolution and/or max pooling.
Further Information:
To make the ideas in this documentation more concrete, we provide a small set of examples. These come in the form of Jupyter notebooks, you can find these in the examples directory of the base github repository.
Constructing Lattices and Lattice Tensors
Lattice Tensor Arithmetic
Upsampling and Downsampling
Constructing Stencils
Using Stencils
Using the Layer API
Layer API
In the same vein as PyTorch, we provide a “layer” abstraction for modules. These are intended to be used in the same way as base PyTorch layers, with the exception that these take lattice tensors instead of base tensors.
Functional API
The functional API contains the base implementations for the Layer API. For many cases, you very likely want to use the Layer API.
Examples in the form of Jupyter notebooks are in the examples folder in the base of the github repository. These cover the key concepts in this documentation. Please ensure that you have installed NCDL in your local environment before running these.
Full API Reference
The full API reference is here